Pre-Season….. The time of the year where the winter rigs are being put through their paces, the banters fresh and the now almost stereotypical response of “haven’t thought about it” when asked about the new season, has been exhausted. With most of the boys participating in the new Shredded Strength Camp regime, run by Manly 1st grader and local great man Justin Cox, we may see a new breed of ladies men coming through the ranks, apparently led by well known lady killer Jordan Daly, who is said to possess irresistible charm, and a rig that is rumoured to be crafted by the great Zeus himself. On behalf of all at Manly Cricket, I do hope that Jordan can share his secrets with the rest of the club this coming season.
With the season fast approaching and the boys taking on a revamped diet of low carb-high protein eating, those green necessities (vb for you poms) back at the club are looking more delicious than ever, and I’m sure Maso’s keen to catch up with his old man again. Now this season we need more people back at the club for a few frosty coffees, and why wouldn’t you want to come back, there’s beer, banter, cricket and Maso’s dad (he’s got the double mention, I love that old son of a bitch). The club culture is looking like it’s going to be back to its usual best this season, and I think it’ll be so good that even Sokky won’t be able to resist a double or maybe even a triple circuit to Shorey (g’day SOK if your reading).
Now back to business, this coming season is looking very exciting for Manly Cricket, with the return of Shawn Bradstreet headlining a coaching staff of three former state players in Adam Crosthwaite, Phil Marks and Winga himself. These three greats have put together an amazing pre-season program that has brought all the Manly boys together and has given us a real kick-start to proceedings, with Crossy leading from the front in our SCC fitness sessions. The effort all Manly boys have been putting in has been simply astounding, and it is sure to be a massive season for the Tah’s, and the results will show why we all love the game so much.
Lastly, throughout the pre-season training and post training initiatives, we have seen a few new candidates blossom for the single digits award. Now when it comes down to the long and short of it, Mickey Edwards has a lengthy lead (pardon the pun) in the list of candidates, but we have seen a dark horse arise in Joe Graham, one of the rarest there is; some say he never blinks, and that if you turn your radio to 88.4, anywhere in the world, you can actually hear his thoughts. Also known to dish out a ‘high-five’ at only the most awkward of situations.
This season really is shaping up to be a cracker, and I can’t wait to share a beer or maybe a salad (Nickos) with all of you.
P.S my pick for team pursuit victors….. Alyssa, for being the best damn team name I’ve ever seen.
Much love, Samos