Please see the below message from Styleness Manly Warringah District Cricket Club President Andrew Fraser.“Hi everyoneBy now you will all have heard the news that the SCA, in consultation with CNSW, has cancelled the remainder of competition matches before Christmas, due to a COVID outbreak on the northern beaches.Whilst it is disappointing to not be playing...Read More
The Styleness Manly Warringah Waratahs have named sides for Men’s grades 3-5, Women’s 2nd grade, and Brewer’s. 1st and 2nd grade go into the second week of their two day match against Campbelltown-Camden, while 3-5’s play a one-dayer against the same opponents. Brewer’s and Women’s 2’s host a T20 double header at Manly Oval on Sunday...Read More
The Styleness Manly Warringah Waratahs are pleased to announce the Green Shield Squad for 2020-21 campaign.Captained by Josh Cooper, The 15 man squad is a very balanced side, consisting of 7 players with Premier Cricket experience, 2 country players in Bailey Lidgard (Central Coast) and Tom Karnaghan (Newcastle), and 6 players available for next season. The...Read More