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Holly Warn needs your support this Steptember!


The TravelSim Waratahs are once again supporting Holly Warn in her efforts to raise funds for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance through the STEPTEMBER initiative. Holly is the daughter of former premiership winning captain, life member, current committee member an now Cricket NSW Chairman John Warn, who has been an integral part of our club for many years now. Please take the time to read Holly’s message below and get behind this fantastic cause!

Hi All,

It’s STEPTEMBER time of year ( the biggest annual fundraiser for Cerebal palsy ) and I need your support.

This month, I (Holly) will be taking on an enormous challenge of completing 10,000 steps a day for 28 days straight, in yes, you guessed it, the month of September, to raise vital funds for Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Today was actually Day 1, and I did over 13,000 steps!!!!!

Did you know the average office worker takes only 3,000 steps a day? So 10,000 steps is a massive effort, especially when your only 6! But, I’m incredibly excited about it as its raising money for such a brilliant and worthy cause!

Can you believe in this modern age of medicine and technology, that a child with Cerebral Palsy is born every 15 hours and there is no known cure. It is the most common physical disability in childhood. One in two of these babies will be in life long chronic pain, and many will never be able to walk, talk or feed themselves.

I was only 4 months old when I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. I can only imagine how devastating it must be for families who discover their precious new baby had a disability.

In my case, though the initial news and outlook for me was very grim, with question marks over simple things like would I ever walk or talk, I really am one of the lucky ones. I have tackled every goal head on and been able to achieve all that most take for granted. I am happy, active, social and independent, and this year I started ‘Big School’ at a mainstream school. But, it hasn’t been easy! While most kids were out playing I was in therapy – physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, occupational therapy, Speech therapy, conductive education (life skills therapy) psychology, and exercise therapy. Cerebral Palsy Alliance has been by my side the entire journey, helping ME be the best ME I can be. I now want to help others achieve greatness on their journey.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance helps babies; children, teenagers and adults living with cerebral palsy lead the most comfortable, independent and inclusive life possible by providing therapies, life skills programs, equipment and support. All services being provided mostly free to its clients thanks to the generosity of people like you. As you can imagine life long therapy and equipment would be extremely expensive without free access to such services.

Last year, with lots of help, I raised an amazing $8000, and my team was placed in the top 10 worldwide! I would really like to improve on that this year , but I am reliant on YOU to do that. If you perhaps still need a little encouragement to contribute perhaps a video message from my biggest supporter Premier Mike Baird may get you over the line:-

Any amount you contribute would make a huge difference to children living with cerebral palsy and of course encourage me to complete my 10,000 steps per day and achieve my fundraising goal!

If you’re not sure where to start, a donation of $55 could help to purchase a walker to give a child with cerebral palsy the ability to walk

You can donate to my fundraising page: (

And when you have done that, I am going to ask you to please do one more thing. Could you forward this email/letter on to as many friends or colleagues as you can think of who may be able to help me.

Thanks so much,
Holly Warn

P.S Btw, you’ll receive an automated receipt as every donation over $2 is tax deductible.

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