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Manly Oval Carpark – Important Information

To all our members and supporters, a quick note in reference to the article in The Manly Daily on 26 August, highlighting the Manly Marlins stand on the Oval Carpark and our “absence from the debate”.

We have been anything but absent during this demanding 2 year process.

In 2014 when Manly Council told us we would be “relocated for two seasons from Manly Oval” we immediately took action. Our efforts were tangible, without any agendas driven through the media. We clearly told Council we did not want to be re-located, but understood the community process. The Manly Marlins Rugby Club were to be relocated for one season also.

So our Committee took action detailing out a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with Manly Council which clearly defined the compensation and contingencies for MWDCC and grade cricket during any period of relocation. The new facilities and playing surface at Graham Reserve are directly linked to our efforts in achieving this MOU. We pursued this contingency as we could see the benefit irrespective of the car park project. We are unclear if our friends at the Marlins undertook similar initiatives.

On the issue of Manly Oval playing surface being shortened, MWDCC immediately sought and received confirmation in writing from both the Mayor and the General Manager of Manly Council, that this would NOT be the case. We were also provided the amended DA plans, showing the playing surface would remain the same size. Again we did not understand the public position of the Marlins, as they too had received these drawings.

We are apolitical, as we rely heavily on local government. This does not mean we are “absent” in community discussion. Negotiations have been extremely tough in the past two years to keep playing at our “home” as Council pushed ahead with development.

We chose this strategic action, above sensational back page media articles. We are very comfortable with both the on-going working relationship with the Northern Beaches Council and the contingencies we have in place IF the Manly Oval carpark were to proceed in the future. And we are very proud of the outstanding work our club has achieved during this difficult process

With the recent decision on the Manly Oval car park by the Dick Persson, Northern Beaches Council Administrator, we have requested a lease from the Council that will see us playing at Manly Oval for the entirety of the 2016-17 season.

Now on to the 2016-17 season and let’s put this debate to bed……….go Manly!!

MWDCC Committee

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